Purhase U.S. Store

To have your own Virtual Reality head set and experiences, all you need is: 1 – A Gear VR headset 2 – A Samsung Galaxy Note 5. Once you clip in the headset to the phone, the programs and app store will automatically upload. Purchase here  

Purchase International Store

To have your own Virtual Reality head set and experiences, all you need is: 1 – A Gear VR headset 2 – A Samsung Galaxy S7 Once you clip in the headset to the phone, the programs and app store will automatically upload. Purchase here – Best Price Guaranteed               […]



There area lot of great virtual reality products on the market and its constantly evolving.  We’re aiming to trail all the latest devices in multiple aged care and health care settings to provide you with the most up to date information. At the moment we are still recommending Samsung Gear VR, due to its use of Oculus technology, its portability and […]

Virtual reality opening up new possibilities for residents in aged care

Australian Ageing Agenda Technology Review has written an article on the work we are doing in the sector. Their article Virtual reality opening up new possibilities for residents in aged care highlights the great work that this product and our programs are creating for elderly clients living in homes across Australia. to read the full article follow […]