Virtual reality opening up new possibilities for residents in aged care


Australian Ageing Agenda Technology Review has written an article on the work we are doing in the sector.

Their article Virtual reality opening up new possibilities for residents in aged care highlights the great work that this product and our programs are creating for elderly clients living in homes across Australia.

to read the full article follow this link

The picture above is of a Mercy Health client experiencing our VR “Goggles” as many clients call them.

Channel 7 News story on our company.

Channel 7 News reported on our work in the Aged Care Sector. This piece highlights the amazing effects that our product and our programs are having on elderly clients and those living with Dementia.

Created by Diversional Therapists and Leisure Counsellors, our programs are providing people with fun and exciting experiences whilst improving health outcomes. We are looking forward to bringing our product to many more facilities around Australia and the world.